Why This Blog?

There are thousands of blogs on the internet, covering every topic imaginable. Why should you bother reading this one? And why am I taking the time to write it?

Life, Peace, and A Place to Call Home

I believe that people everywhere have deep longings in their heart. We long for love, for peace, for meaning in life. But instead we feel stuck. Loneliness, anxiety, and depression run rampant. Something is desperately wrong with the world, but we feel helpless to do anything about it. And so we hide in our media, sex, alcohol, and countless other things because the gap between who we are and who we want to be is just too overwhelming.

We long for Life. We want to do more than survive, we want to live full and meaningful lives. We want adventure, meaningful work, and the knowledge that our lives count for something.

We long for Peace. War, broken families, bullying, self-harm, injustice... wherever we look, conflict and unrest run rampant. We hurt the earth, others, and ourselves in our pursuit of fulfillment, but we end up feeling just as empty.

We long for A Place to Call Home. A place where we are loved and accepted for who we are. A place where we feel safe and secure. A place where we can belong.

I have these longings too.

Through this blog I invite you to join me in seeking to live a meaningful life, growing in peace with God, others, the world around us, and ourselves, and nurturing homes where all who wish to can find acceptance and belonging.

You see, I believe that we have these longings for a reason. And I believe that we can truly experience life, peace, and a place to call home, and that together we can change the world.

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